So its been awhile since I have written, things have been so hectic, and to be honest, I was afraid if I wrote anything in the last couple weeks, it may not have come out the way I wanted to because I have been so frustrated with the election and social networking. I figured since the election was over, things would begin to settle down and people would relax a bit, but apparently, the results of the election has caused a bigger uproar than I first imagined. I am starting to become increasingly concerned with how much aggression people are expressing towards one another. I wonder if its because times have changed and people are starting to talk more openly about politics, whereas, many years ago, politics was something you only talked about with your significant other. I remember turning 18 and registering to vote, when they asked me what party I wanted to be, they had to explain to me the difference between a democrat and a republican because I had NO IDEA. I think the reason for this is because my parents didn't want me choosing a political party based on their beliefs, they wanted me to choose based on who I wanted and who I felt was best fit. I also think its because my parents were raised to never discuss politics with anyone, so politics was not something openly talked about in their house, even to this day.
However, now that social networking has been introduced into the picture, people are using these networks to discuss, debate, argue, and often times flat out downgrade one another. I guess my frustration is coming from the amount of open rudeness I have seen towards one another, all because of political stance and how it is still going on even after the election has ended. The change in time, where politics were never discussed to a time where politics are discussed so freely has only proven to be disastrous and has been jeopardizing family relationships, as well as friendships.
I have quite a few points a want to talk about, so if I jump around a bit in this blog post, please forgive me. I want to talk about the most recent thing I have come across first because the emotions are still there. The picture below is a sign that is posted on a business door in Arizona, does it spark emotion for you? Do you agree with it? Should this business owner be held accountable for such actions?
Alright, so I couldn't get the photo to post, so I posted a link to where you can find the photo, and while you are there, if you get a chance check out the comments that people leave under the picture. I am not sure what irritates me more, the photo or some of the comments. I wish we would just go back to a time where nobody discussed politics or how they voted, but since that is clearly not going to happen, I have to vent some things that are bothering me. For one, the fact that there is a business owner turning customers away based on how they voted, shows politics has definitely taken over this country and not in a good way. So after seeing this picture on Facebook (go figure, where else would I have seen it), I did some research. Although it is against our constitutional right to deny business based on things such as race, religion, and sex, there is nothing that clearly says they cannot deny business based on political stance; however, if this company were to be taken to court, they would have to provide a reason that is arbitrary and political stance is not an arbitrary reason to deny business, so I imagine this business owner would lose any lawsuit and is therefore being very ill-informed in his decisions to post such a sign!
So this is one of the most recent things I have seen and all political parties aside, it would bother me not matter if I voted for President Obama or not. I feel like this election has completely divided this country and this is not a good thing. It's not going to matter who the president is, if the parties do not come together in a mature, responsible manner, this country is going to fail, not just for us, but for our kids and their kids because at the end of the day, this is affecting their future just as much, if not more than ours. If we allow such behaviors to continue, what are we teaching them? Something needs to change and fast.
After hearing about this businesses antics, I woke up today to find out that several states, some 500,000 people have signed a petition to "free the people" or secede their state from the union. This means they are asking their state to become its own state and to be free from the United States, however, the state governments are not wanting any part of this and feel this is not the way to go, and I agree. Separating a state from the United States is a drastic measure that has intense ramifications, did these people never learn about the Civil War? I have also learned that people are filing petitions to have the people,who want to secede from the United States, citizenship revoked. This is also a drastic measure, but one has to wonder, if they do not want to be a part of the United States through thick and thin, maybe they are better off. Either way, whether you agree with either of these petitions or not, this is not the path we should be choosing. Such behaviors are showing exactly why nothing seems to be getting fixed the way it should be. This is proving that the two parties have become so divided and want to fight each other all the way, whether they agree or not; it seems both parties want to make the other party look bad.
I am not going to sit here and tell you guys which party you should choose, yes I like to explain why I think one person was better than the other and I would provide research to back my position, I respect everyone's right to choose which party best fits their family and their lives. Perhaps if we all starting respecting each-others beliefs and views and understand why one person may want the one candidate over the other, we could put aside our difference and just enjoy what we do still have, which is freedom!! Freedom that our troops fight for every single day and whether people want to believe it or not, freedom the commander in chief tries to protect daily as well. Perhaps we should all just go back to the acting like the previous generation did and keep politics to ourselves or between a husband and a wife. If we went back to doing this, maybe there wouldn't be as much hate and fighting and arguing amongst ourselves and maybe, just maybe, we could prevent a potential disaster from happening amongst our own people!!
I am going to end this blog with that for now, I may create a new blog post expanding on the other points I wanted to write about, but for now, I am just going to end it on the note that I am happy we are free, living in a country that allows us to keep that freedom, and that we should all put this behind us and start enjoying the days we are given, because in an instant your life could change forever!!